After a nearly 18-month process that included listening to the community, meeting with nonprofit leaders, and bringing aboard a new Executive Director, the San Diego Youth Development Office has become Youth Will. Don’t worry, the work of the San Diego Youth Development Office lives on as we pursue our vision of a San Diego where every young person has everything they need to be happy, healthy, and prepared to succeed. What has changed is our approach.

Community strategy session in January, 2019
Central to our new identity is the role young people will play in creating the change we seek. Youth will build the power needed to create change. Youth will collaborate with adults to improve youth development. Youth will demand prioritization from the decision-makers in their community. Youth Will.
From our name, to the designer of our logo, to the photographer for our website, to the young people crafting our Action Agenda, youth are leading the way. Youth Will is the only youth-driven organization in San Diego pursuing regional impact. This impact can already be seen and felt as we have unveiled a Youth Bill of Rights and secured San Diego’s first-ever County Youth Budget Forum. And, guess what? We’re just getting started.
We envision a future not long from now when young folks from every corner of the county are organizing and advocating together around the issues they care about most. This future is an exciting one for many reasons, not least of which is the knowledge that change will come, because, when given the chance, youth will.