Make a Difference for
San Diego’s Youth
We fight for every young person to have everything they need to be happy, healthy and prepared to reach their full potential.
We provide youth with the tools and opportunities necessary to succeed and thrive.
Youth Action Teams
Climate Justice Action Team
This team advocates for youth voices to be included in decision-making on issues that impact us and our communities, including environmental issues and equitable access to transportation. The Climate Justice Action Team meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month at 5pm.

Education Action Team
We believe youth should receive free, culturally-responsive, inclusive education and training to become thoughtful and productive community members with the freedom to pursue our goals. This team advocates to create a world that fits within this vision.

Youth Advocating for Life Services (YALS) Action Team
This team aspires to create fundamental policy changes by working in collaboration with other community-based organizations in order to ensure every young person has access to quality and equitable food, housing, and healthcare resources.

Youth Justice Action Team
We believe youth should have transformative and restorative justice that provides opportunities for personal growth while redressing larger social ills and fighting against our exploitation, oppression, and gun violence victimization. This team advocates to create a world that fits within this vision.

Bill of Rights for the Children & Youth of San Diego
We, the youth of San Diego County, believe every young person has a right to everything we need to be happy, healthy, and prepared to reach our potential.
We demand the following rights be provided for all youth, with the acknowledgment that systemic racism and economic inequality have created vast disparities in the opportunities present in our diverse communities:
Youth will be seen, heard, and treated as equal members of our community with dignity and respect and free from abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
Youth will have transformative and restorative justice that provides opportunities for personal growth while fighting against our exploitation and oppression, and redressing larger social ills.
Youth will have the food and nutrition to fuel the pursuit of our dreams.
Youth will have the support and freedom to express themselves in ways including, but not limited to, identity, faith, sexuality, gender, dress, speech, art, and action without fear of retribution.
Youth will have an intergenerational community of caring adults in our lives who help us build confidence and develop competence.
Youth will have safe and sustained housing.
Youth will have a safe and healthy environment with fresh air, clean water, open space, and protected wildlife that we will be able to share with futủre generations.
Youth will receive free, culturally-responsive, inclusive education and training that prepares us to be thoughtful, productive community members, with the freedom to pursue our goals.
Youth will have transportation and mobility options to connect to opportunity and explore our communities.
Youth will have access to free, quality, comprehensive, and holistic health care.
Youth will be treated as equal partners in identifying the problems, developing solutions, and making the decisions that impact us and our communities, with our voices being sought and included.
Our demand for these rights comes from the belief that there should be no limitations to reaching our potential. We extend our hands to the adults in our community to be partners in action to implement our vision and know that, when we are given the opportunity, youth will.

Take Action and Become a Youth Leader
Sign up here to get informed of action team meetings for community impact initiatives and how you can be a part of our movement.